
Showing posts from September, 2020

The Real Covid19 & My Experience !

Hi Readers !  Well, You might be wondering about the title and of course the topic of blog, aren’t you ? Yeah, We are now embarking on a short journey together, with facts about covid and my struggle with it ! Yes you heard correctly, I was covid positive and lingered around such things. This journey has entailed many facts. No one would like to mention about his covid status on any such public forums, nor do I. But, yes I think you all should know the real covid and its facts, so writing few words about it. Ohh, so what is real covid ? Lets find through the words ahead ! Yes, I was covid positive at early days of September. Suffering with fever and little difficulty in breathing, I came across such a diagnostic test. That’s Rapid Antigen Test or swab test you may call. As soon as I heard the test results, I was shocked ! I was unable to digest this fact as I had never came in contact with any such person. More precisely, I hadn’t left home since a month then for any purpos...